Wednesday, July 28, 2010

annoying during a train ride

look i understand some people are unfortunate and dont have money, no jobs, etc. and what better place to display talent and earn some money playing the instruments, some people faking disabilities feeding off human emotions to squeeze a few bucks, but for the love of the lord, please DO NOT come on to the train and play your instruments. It ruins the entire purpose of listening to our ipods/Mp3 players, etc. We spent mucho dinero on these devices and for you to come on the train and play a shitty piece it ruins the purpose of enjoying music during a long ass train ride. And when they make that stupid little speech to make us feel bad for you, "i have no job, no money, No place to sleep, i haven't eaten in 2 days" like we are supposed to feel bad for you and shit. And most of y'all are crackheads, drug users, etc. Believe me I know. With respect to the people who really are homeless, enough with them tired ass speeches and shitty guitar playing. My music player is way more important and worth my time.

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