ALL RISE!!! THE HONORABLE JUDGE, EDWIN WESTBROOK PRESIDING.... You may be seated. Thank you. As I been saying before and over and over and over again, I've been saying that I am writing a book about a NYPD detective and his partner solving a big case. You've seen me complain on Facebook that I've been stuck and unable to conjure up an idea blah blah etc. Anyway I felt that the only way to really make my book epic, I would have to experience the vibe, essence, and atmosphere of an actual courtroom. If im not mistaken it was the 12th of November and I decided to go to the courtroom on that Friday. My Law professor gave me the address 360 Adams Street. I entered the building, I tried observing what I had to do while at the scanner instead of asking to spare time. I emptied my pockets and placed my bag, jacket, and Fitted Cap in the box to be scanned. I asked the Officer for directory assistance as to what Floor I can observe a Criminal Trial. As to my surprise, the kind Officer explained that Criminal Term is on 320 Jay Street. I was directed to the building and as I approached the building I have to say I was starstruck. I don't know why I just loved the way the building looked. So I looked at it and there were two sections, "Family Court" and "Supreme Court". As I entered, I went on the line and I didnt get the little grey box I was supposed to get to put the items in my items in my pocket in, so unfortunately I had to go out the line and retrieve one. I entered the scanner repeated the same process and I went straight to the Court Officer at the desk and asked for directory for an on-going Criminal Trail. He explained that floors 2-4, and floors 15-21 would have trials occuring. Entering the 2nd floor, I looked around and went into "Ceremonial 2". Inside I saw people sitting in the gallery, I saw the prosecutors and the defense lawyer sitting and talking to each other. I sat down anticipating the trial to begin. I sat for a while watching court officers standing around, I saw a court officer talking to who I'm guessing was the judge's clerk. She was looking at her phone with the court officer and her laughing at whatever they were looking at. So funny because the rules say No cell Phones are allowed to be on in the court room. I guess they are allowed to break the rules of the court room since they work there. So I sat there just sitting back, I sat for about 20 to 25 minutes and nothing yet. So I decided to check other Court rooms to see if there were any trials actually ongoing. I went to the 4th floor if im not mistaken, and I entered the courtroom. I assume that it was a pre-trial motion, or just a hearing to decide when the trial was going to commence. The Defendant was in another room and communicated with the court via TV connection. The Judge ruled that the trial will occur on January 7th. After the meeting was over Family members of the victims were yelling out of emotion at the Defendant and crying out stating "I hope you get yours!" "I hope yo ass rots in prison motherfucker." I wasn't laughing at the statements but I cracked a smile at the statement because now it gave me some ideas of what type of crime will occur in my book and I got a feel of the emotion that woman went through. In short, to make the drama of the book more interesting. Anyway, I went back to Ceremonial 2 to see if anything was going on. Of course people were on their phones texting and the court officer actually started to notice it. He yelled across the court stating the rules of how all phones must be turned off and the woman got an attitude so a little mini-dramatic moment occurred. Of course the officer knew it was her phone that went off and she denied it stating that it wasn't her phone that went off. I sensed the officer knew what kind of person he was dealing with and just ended the saga with "All cell phones must be turned off" she turned off her phone and that was that. So I heard the officer signal to allow the jury into the court and got really excited. I sat back and watched them enter, and then the judge entered and sat down. The case was People v. Robert Crawford. The Defendant himself was brought in shortly afterward handcuffed and had 3 male and one female court officer sitting right behind him. They were watching him like a hawk. Sadly I do not know exactly what the charge was, all I know is that testimony was read back to the jury and the testimony was by a T-Mobile Representative who is an expert in how calls were made, the process of the billing, etc. The rep. explained the relative position the defendant could've been at while making calls, the number in question belonged to the defendant, etc. So after about 45 minutes passed and all the testimony was read back the Jury was sent back to finish deliberating their verdict. Unfortunately I didn't stick around to see what the verdict was, nor do I know for sure if the jury actually did finish deliberating on that same day. I'm sure they did finish and wether the defendant was convicted or acquitted is unknown to me. I wonder if they did convict him. Next time I go I will definetly make an inquiry on the details of the case. I did enjoy the experience for what it's worth. I do look foward to going back again sometime.
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