Alright to start off my name is Edwin. I was born on the 7th month instead of the 9th month on December 19th 1990 at 1:03PM. Yes call me premo. To think that doctors said I'd be born on February 17th, 1991 another proven fact that doctors arent as smart as they are presumed to be. Im one of the lucky ones. I was supposed to die that day. I was so fragile and so small. Doctors predicted that me and my twin brother(especially him) wouldnt make it through the night. Once again we proved the unimaginable and survived. Amazin' aint it doctor??? According to family members, I was named after my Uncle Edwin whom I never met. I was told that I was originally going to be named "Van Edwin Westbrook" but apparently they decided to switch it around to Edwin Van Westbrook. I remember parts of my childhood but much seems to be a blur to me. I do remember times when my Father and my mother would argue and argue. Finally it was too much too handle with my dad's drinking so my mom sought to get a divorce. From what I been told it was hard on my mom during my toodler years financially. There were many days when she wouldnt eat but always made sure we all ate. Looking back I felt bad and I cried once about it because I can only imagine how hungry she was at the time. Then my step-dad came into the picture around 1997. It would change my life and that of my family since. My mom's financial status was improving and our relationship with Maxx (my step-dad) grew strong. Whenever I introduce Maxx to my friends I do so by introducing him with the championship titled "My Father". Why? because he practically raised me and taught me pretty much everything I know today. He taught me how to shower, shave, tie my sneakers, etc.
Final Thoughts: To this day I honestly dont know what my purpose is. But I do know one thing, I am definetly here for a damn good reason. Knowing that I was supposed top die and miraculously escaping my death sentance is a big ass sign in my book. So if I plan to pursue something I will accomplish that goal. I will discover my purpose and I will succeed.
Get it boy